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  • 15 May 2024 8:39 AM | Jacqueline Moerkens

    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms that are transmitted by blood. For example, HIV and hepatitis B (and many others) are bloodborne pathogens. These diseases are transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream of an uninfected person. Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted through infected body fluids that enter the bloodstream. HIV and HBV can pose serious, long-term health risks or even death if someone comes into contact with them.

    These pathogens can be transmitted in several ways. The most common ways of transmission are needlesticks, cuts, bites from humans, and mucous membranes. For example, if you are taking out the trash and come in contact with a dirty or used needle, you may come in contact with a bloodborne pathogen. Or you may need to mop up bodily fluids, and splashes can come in contact with your mucous membranes or contaminate a small tear in your skin. Any cleaning job where you come in contact with blood or other body fluids puts you at risk for spreading bloodborne pathogens. All in all, you should always assume that all body fluids you come into contact with are contaminated. This is called universal precautions. Therefore training on bloodborne pathogens is required for proper cleaning.

    OSHA has developed training on bloodborne pathogens that explains how to clean body fluids, what personal protective equipment to wear when cleaning body fluids, how to properly clean and dispose of body fluids, and what else to look for in this area. For example, gloves, goggles and possibly a face mask are essential for your own protection from contamination. Thorough hand washing after an exposure is also among the important protective measures. In addition, any contamination waste generated must be specially labeled and disposed of separately, for example in different colored waste bags (red or orange).

    Cleaning services and training on bloodborne pathogens are essential to keeping our environment safe for everyone. Every cleaner should complete training on bloodborne pathogens, as it is necessary for the proper performance of the job. Employers should provide access to this training free of charge during working hours. This training is one of the most important experiences a janitor or cleaner needs to have, especially, but not only, if they work in a hospital. The CDC reported that approximately 5.6 million healthcare and janitorial service workers are at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. If you can clean and dispose of body fluids before a bloodborne pathogen can spread, you can save lives!

  • 15 May 2024 7:43 AM | Christi McNulty

    Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness in healthcare facilities is not just about aesthetics—it is a crucial factor that directly impacts patient health and safety. Proper healthcare facility cleaning is essential to create an environment that minimizes the risk of infections and supports the well-being of patients, healthcare professionals, and visitors.

    First and foremost, healthcare facilities are unique environments that demand meticulous cleaning due to the constant flow of patients and the presence of various pathogens. Effective cleaning in healthcare settings involves not only visible surfaces but also high-touch areas and hidden spaces where harmful microorganisms may linger. Janitorial services specializing in healthcare cleaning, such as those listed in the Janitorial Service Directory, play a pivotal role in employing industry-specific protocols to ensure thorough sanitation.

    One such exemplar in the field is Crystal Clean Medical Office Cleaning in Arvada, Colorado, whose expertise in healthcare facility cleaning extends to using hospital-grade disinfectants, implementing rigorous infection control measures, and maintaining strict adherence to industry regulations. Their commitment to cleanliness helps create a safe and healing environment for patients while safeguarding the health of healthcare professionals. In the realm of healthcare cleaning, attention to detail and adherence to best practices are not just preferences; they are imperative for promoting the overall well-being of everyone who walks through the doors of a healthcare facility. Choose a specialized janitorial service that prioritizes healthcare cleaning to ensure the health and safety of your facility's occupants.

  • 14 May 2024 10:13 PM | Lauren Wanco

    I am proud to announce that I/my company has achieved the prestigious IJCSA Master Green Cleaning Certification! This comprehensive certification from the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association demonstrates our commitment to environmentally responsible cleaning practices and our expertise in implementing green cleaning programs.

    Through this rigorous course, I gained in-depth knowledge about the health and environmental impacts of traditional cleaning chemicals. I was shocked to learn just how hazardous some common cleaning products can be, containing compounds like ammonia, chlorine, and volatile organic compounds that can cause respiratory issues, skin irritations, and contribute to indoor air pollution. The course opened my eyes to the importance of using safer, plant-based green cleaning products.

    One of the most interesting aspects was learning about greener alternatives for different cleaning tasks. For example, I discovered that vinegar makes an excellent natural glass and surface cleaner. Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that can tackle tough jobs like oven cleaning. And microfiber cloths and mops allow cleaning with just water in many cases. The course provided a wealth of practical green cleaning tips and strategies.

    In addition to the health and environmental benefits, the IJCSA certification has given me/my company a competitive advantage in attracting environmentally-conscious customers. We can now promote our services as following the highest green cleaning standards backed by a respected international organization. I am excited to implement everything I learned to provide exceptional green cleaning for my customers while doing my part for sustainability.

  • 14 May 2024 10:11 PM | Lauren Wanco

    Being a green cleaner or operating a green cleaning company has numerous advantages over traditional cleaning methods that rely on hazardous chemicals. Green cleaning products and practices prioritize the health of people and the planet, making them a superior choice in today's environmentally-conscious world. 

    One of the primary benefits of green cleaning is the elimination of harsh chemicals that can be detrimental to human health. Traditional cleaning products often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorine, ammonia, and other toxic substances that can cause respiratory issues, skin irritations, and even long-term health problems. Green cleaning products, on the other hand, are made from natural, plant-based ingredients that are safer for people, especially children and those with respiratory conditions or chemical sensitivities.

    In addition to promoting better indoor air quality and a healthier environment for occupants, green cleaning practices also contribute to the preservation of the planet. Conventional cleaning products can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life when improperly disposed of. Green cleaners are biodegradable and non-toxic, minimizing their environmental impact. Furthermore, many green cleaning companies prioritize sustainable practices, such as using recycled materials, implementing energy-efficient procedures, and minimizing waste.

    Businesses and homeowners who choose green cleaners or green cleaning companies can also benefit from improved public perception and a competitive edge. As consumer demand for eco-friendly products and services continues to grow, companies that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility can differentiate themselves from competitors and appeal to a broader customer base.

    For those seeking reliable green cleaning services, the International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) maintains a Green Cleaning Directory. This directory lists certified green cleaning companies that adhere to stringent standards for environmentally responsible practices, ensuring that customers can make informed choices when selecting a cleaning service provider.

    In conclusion, being a green cleaner or green cleaning company is a responsible and forward-thinking choice that promotes human health, environmental protection, and sustainable business practices. By embracing green cleaning methods, individuals and organizations can contribute to a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable future.

  • 14 May 2024 8:32 PM | Leon Williams

    Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms present in human blood and bodily fluids that can lead to dangerous diseases in those who come into contact with them. Types of bloodborne pathogens include: HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. 

    Those in the cleaning field are especially at risk for coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens since they may be tasked with cleaning up and sanitizing areas where bodily fluids were present. 

    OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has created industry standards which help employers and employees create a plan to remain safe on the job. By understanding the dangers of bloodborne pathogens and adhering to OSHA guidelines, employees can decrease their risk of exposure and do their jobs safely and effectively.

  • 14 May 2024 3:04 PM | Anthony Hufton

    Keeping employees trained is beneficial and essential for safety and efficiency. Through knowledge of proper procedures staff can confidently execute their duties without incident. Knowledge and procedures should include limiting the spread of bloodborne pathogens.

    Contaminated bloodborne pathogens cause illness and death. It is the duty of those in the health care industry to be qualified and skilled in the prevention of the spread of virus' and bacteria. Without the skills and knowledge an employee can cause great bodily harm to themselves or others.

    IJCSA's training program includes procedures on before, during and after potential exposure to contaminated bloodborne pathogens. Use of this program will improve employee/employers knowledge of how to properly handle bloodborne pathogens. Doing so will reduce the risk of spreading disease.    

  • 14 May 2024 12:26 PM | William Boston

    Allowing someone to come into your home or business can be a daunting task. Finding people with professionalism and an understanding nature can seem impossible. Lucky for you there is a database of trusted companies that you can search to find the right provider for your needs! By using the IJCSA's database of providers you can ensure that you are looking at a comprehensive list of providers who have been equipped with the proper training and customer service skills to meet your needs and actually listen to your requests. 

    At the IJCSA, providers are trained comprehensivley on the skills needed to reassure customers and provide them with honest and caring service. We are trained to treat all customers with respect and genuinley listen to their concerns in all situations. Members understand what great customer service is and it goes beyond providing a valuable service. Being present and avaliable to customers is important as well as reaching out and caring about the well being of customers beyond the job. So use the IJSCA's Buisness Directory for all of your cleaning needs and find a professional near you today!

  • 14 May 2024 11:10 AM | Stefani McDonald

    If you want to maintain a clean space we need custodians/janitors. For to often they are bypassed as you don't understand the job.  They are the ones that not only keep your facility clean but they are also prevention specialists. 

    I know that if I were to work a lot of hours I wouldn't want to have to go clean a bathroom so by having a janitor makes your life a little easier. If you have a clean facility you have happier customers/staff at your work place.  Even a good smell after the janitors are done makes your day a little more enjoyable.

    Janitors are essential to any location. It doesn't matter if its just a place where no public goes or if its a public building. They are so important! I know I like to know that if i go to a dr. facility that it has been cleaned and that my friend is the janitors job.

  • 14 May 2024 10:26 AM | Carlos Romero

    Dejate sorprendeer por la frescura y la limpieza revitalizante que tu hogar merece! 

    en Clean n Sharp, estamos listos para transformar tus alfombras en obras maestras de limpieza y comodidad. 

    Nuestro equipo altamente capacitado y comprometido esta aqui para brindarte un servicio de limpieza de alfombras primera calidad  

  • 14 May 2024 10:11 AM | Carlos Romero

    Clean n sharp implementara un programa de limpieza de alfombras diseñado para elevar los estandares de limpieza y el bienestar en los hogares y espacios comerciales.

    Nuestro programa de limpieza de alfombras utiliza tecnicas y productos avanzados para eliminar la suciedad, los germenes y las manchas dificiles, dejando las olfombras frescas, limpias, y revitalizadas. Con Clean n Sharp, los clientes pueden disfrutar de alfombraas mas limpias y saludables.

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